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Privacy policy - CottageHolidaysIn.co.uk

Our privacy and cookie policy

Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Whilst the general use of the site does not require you to disclose personal information about yourself, there are certain areas which allow you to register in order to receive additional information. We have a simple attitude to the privacy of your email address and other personal details. We won’t swap, sell, share or rent any of your personal information to third parties. We also won’t try to push affiliate or marketing partner products or services on to you.

The only communication you will receive from us, will either be occasional updates about the website, details of holiday properties / regional infomation and any account features which you use such as property shortlisting.

For your piece of mind, at the bottom of every email we send is the reason why that particular email has been sent too you. When we collect personal information, we will tell you how we intend to use that information and we will not disclose it to any other 3rd party organisation without your agreement.

Some of the software used to run this site may contain cookies. Please see our cookie policy below for an explaination about cookies and the ones used on this website. In short we use cookies to help us enhance the functionality of this website and overall see how we can improve the experience that we give to you the user when choosing your holiday property and destinination.

If you have any questions or comments regarding our Privacy Policy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Cookie policy

What is a cookie? They are more than just a delicious treat!

A cookie is a simple and very small text file which is created when you visit a website using your web browser, it’s stored on your computer or mobile device for use by the website which created it.

You have nothing to worry about as this small text file (only a few kb in size at most) doesn’t harm or slow down your computer / device. By law it cannot personally identify you personally and will never contain any personal details such as your email address or contact details. We only use cookies to help us make your experience of our website enhanced.

If you want to know more about a cookie, here’s what they contain... a unique identifier code, our website name and some digits and numbers.

Ok i understand Cookies, but why are they used?

We will use cookies in order to improve the experience of your visit by enabling our website to remember a user. either just for the duration of this visit or for returning visits.

Cookies can serve a number of different roles, such as: measuring what pages the user interactes or how long they were on a particular page and how they came to that page etc, all without identifying a particular individual.

Below outlines the cookies that we use on this website...